Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook
State of the Salmon joined forces with public, tribal and private organizations along with individuals around the North Pacific to identify and articulate the best available salmon monitoring practices. We gathered these principles and tools into the Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook: Techniques for assessing status and trends in salmon and trout populations (
Over four dozen fisheries experts throughout the U.S. Pacific Northwest and beyond contributed their time to pick, write and review the most reliable protocols for enumerating salmonids in the field. Presented in an easy-to-use format, each of the 18 peer-reviewed protocols covers objectives, sample design, data handling, personnel and operational requirements, and field and office techniques, including survey forms. The Handbook presents noteworthy advancement of existing methods and offers an important foundation for subsequent development and refinement by fisheries biologists.
Hard-copies are available for purchase from the AFS Bookstore. Chapters are available for free download from State of the Salmon.