The Continuing Education Committee (CEC) of the Ontario Chapter was established to develop and implement both Training and Educational opportunities for Ontario Chapter members. The CEC is comprised of an Education Chair and volunteers. These individuals network with AFS-OC members and other professionals to provide education and training opportunities in the form of workshops, certification courses and lecture series. Annually at the Business Meeting, the Executive Committee solicits members for current training and education interests. All ideas are considered and the CEC works towards implementing the best suggestions into future activities. If you are an Ontario Chapter member and have an idea for a Continuing Education activity please contact
Please follow the links below to see highlights of past CEC initiatives:
Barrier Removal Workshop
November 29, 2023
Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Utopia, Ontario
AFS-OC Fall Seminar
November 17, 2021
via Zoom
Asynchronous responses to common climate forcing among brook trout populations in Cape Race, Newfoundland – Brian Gallagher, Concordia University
Variation in thermal tolerance and plasticity within and among Ontario brook trout populations – Erin Stewart, Trent University
Capture of spawning brook trout by electrofishing does not impair embryo survival – Bradley Howell, University of Winnipeg
Ranavirus Confirmation and Risk Management in the Credit River Watershed – Phil Bird, Credit Valley Conservation
Genomes and Bones in the Great Lakes and the Amazon – Nathan Lujan, Royal Ontario Museum
AFS-OC Fall Seminar
Ecology of the last great wild salmon rivers
Lecturer: Dr. Jack Stanford, Professor Emeritus, University of Montana
November 26, 2019
via WebEx
Flyer Presentation Webinar
Treaties and Engagement with Indigenous Peoples
Maamwi naakii dad – Means working together, how does the modern day settler learn from mistakes of the past
Instructors: Gary Pritchard, Megan Lloyst
March 2, 2019
YMCA Geneva Park, Orillia, Ontario
Workshop Outline
AFS-OC Fall Seminar
Healing sick trout streams: Ecological restoration, not artificial restructuring of channels
Lecturer: Dr. Ray J. White
November 22, 2018
via WebEx
Flyer Presentation
Freshwater Restoration Ecology Centre & Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research Tour
May 26, 2018
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario
AFS-OC Fall Seminar
Ontario Department of Planning and Development Conservation Report Data Inform Fisheries Management 30 and 60 Years Later
Lecturer: Nicholas E. Mandrak, University of Toronto
December 13, 2017
via WebEx
AFS-OC Fall Evening Social
Reflections on a 30-year Career in the Great Lakes Basin
Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Nick Mandrak, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
November 16, 2017
The Auk’s Lodge, Fleming College, Lindsay, Ontario
AFS-OC Spring Lecture – Women in Biology
Guest Speaker: Deborah Martin-Downs, CAO of Credit Valley Conservation Authority
May 17, 2017
Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, Ontario
Working with Indigenous Communities 101
Instructor: Gary Pritchard
March 2, 2017
YMCA Geneva Park, Orillia, Ontario
AFS-OC Fall Lecture – Women in Biology
Dam Climate Change – The Invasion Risk Associated with Warming Habitats, Stream Connectivity and Dams
Special Guest Lecturer: Dr. Cindy Chu, MNRF
November 5, 2015
Ashburnham Ale House, Peterborough, Ontario
AFS-OC Fall Seminar
Quantitative Biology in a Naturalized Steelhead Population
Speaker: Brian Morrison
November 25, 2014
Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario
AFS-OC Spring Seminar
Incorporating Science into Fishery Management and Recovery Programs in the Pacific Northwest
Speaker: Jim Lichatowich
March 26, 2014
Black Creek Pioneer Village, Toronto, Ontario
AFS-OC Winter Seminar
Ontario’s Provincial Fish Strategy: Fish for the Future
Speaker: Warren Dunlop
Building a Science to support Broad-scale Fisheries Management
Speaker: Dr. Nigel Lester
January 29, 2014
Peterborough, Ontario
Presentation (Dunlop) Presentation (Lester)
Introductory Bioengineering Course
Coordinator: Samantha Mason
April 21-22, 2009
St. Clements, Ontario
AFS-OC Fall Lecture
Measuring Productive Capacity of Fish Habitats: A Progress Report
Speaker: Dr. Ken Minns
November 12, 2009
Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario
Overview Presentation
Introductory Bioengineering Course
Coordinator: Samantha Mason
October 16-17, 2007
St. Clements, Ontario
OMNR Class 2 Electrofishing – Backpack Crew Leader Certification Course
Instructors: Mary Finch, Andrew Drake
September 28-29, 2007
Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington, Ontario