The American Fisheries Society is a large and diverse organization—a collaborative network—with over 160 units (Sections, Chapters, Student Subunits, Committees) that our 9000+ members belong to, serve on, or are affiliated with a broad range of activities related to all aspects of the fisheries professions. With such a large organizational structure, many of us could use an update on AFS and how it functions. A presentation titled “This is AFS” does just that and is available to educate AFS audiences and strengthen our network connections. Please view this presentation. More importantly share it with others and consider joining AFS as a member or increasing your involvement as a leader in your local or national unit. Our hope is that this presentation will help all of us better understand who we are, what we do, and how we do it. For more information about the American Fisheries Society, visit the official web site at

The Ontario Chapter (OC) is the local organization in Ontario for the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Its members encourage and foster the exchange of information among members of the Chapter, the Society and others in the Province of Ontario.

AFS Membership includes access to the Membership Directory and the Members Only Archive which includes all issues of Fisheries magazine since 2005. Beginning in January 2018, AFS individual members also receive free online access to all five AFS journals. Members will continue to receive print copies of Fisheries as part of their membership benefits, and print subscriptions for journals will be available at the same rates as previously. In addition to all Society Membership Benefits, membership the Ontario Chapter includes an electronic subscription to our Newsletter, email notification of Employment Opportunities, an invitation to our Annual Meeting, access to on-line publishing via our Member Publications page, Continuing Education opportunities, and voting privileges including the election of chapter officers (Executive Committee).

AFS Member but not an Ontario Chapter Member?

There are many reasons that an individual AFS member should also join the Ontario Chapter.

1. Developing/rekindling relationships with others in the Province that share a common interest.

2. Assisting students, both college and university, through support of the E.J. Crossman Award and the President’s Award, and giving them the opportunity to interact with fisheries professionals.

3. Get involved with grass roots fisheries projects, either by volunteering time or providing ideas/advice for projects.

4. Access to Continuing Education activities, such as the Introductory Bioengineering Course and also the opportunity to develop training initiatives.

5. Uniting the fisheries professional from all three levels of government, the private sector, academia, and NGO’s and giving them a forum from which they can learn/share information.

6. Keep current on fisheries issues that affect the Province of Ontario through the AFS-OC website and Newsletter.

Please consider joining the Ontario Chapter the next time you renew your AFS membership (or sooner). If you have any questions regarding the Ontario Chapter please contact

Current members are encouraged to keep their email address up to date. Please send email address changes to the webmaster. In addition, please update your profile with the parent society at

How to Join the Ontario Chapter

Any AFS member is eligible to join the Ontario Chapter. Annual dues are just $5 (US). Join or Renew online. Also remember to please check the appropriate box for chapter dues. PDF versions of the AFS membership application are also available on the AFS Membership page. All memberships are for a calendar year. New member applications received January 1 through August 31 are processed for full membership that calendar year (back issues are sent). Those received September 1st or later are processed for full membership beginning January of the following year.

For information or help with AFS membership, please contact Mia Ferguson, AFS Membership Coordinator.

American Fisheries Society
425 Barlow Place, Suite 110
Bethesda, MD 20814-2144
Phone: (301) 897-8616
Fax: (301) 897-8096

AFS Member Portal

AFS is proud to introduce our new Member Portal. It was designed with you in mind, to fulfill your needs to stay fully engaged with the Society. Following a single login, you now have ability to track your dues and subscriptions, participation in committees, register for events, donate, and change your profile information. All of that is now accessible on a single landing page.

Use this link for your initial login:
Username: your email
Password: Sculpin1876 (password is case sensitive)

Once logged in, you will have the opportunity to change your password. Please take time to review all the information and make any additions or changes.