American Fisheries Society

New Link – AFS Career Centre

A link to American Fisheries Society Career Center has been added to the Links page under the Job Postings category.

The Career Centre “Connecting Fisheries Professionals with Great Opportunities” features Job Postings, Advice and Resources for those interested in a career in fisheries.

AFS-OC Expresses Concern Regarding Proposed Changes to ESA Redside Dace Habitat

The AFS-OC would like to express its concern with the December 20, 2023 proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) which will impact Redside Dace in Ontario. As a result we have drafted a letter expressing our concerns, questions and potential solutions to alert our membership. In short, we ask concerned members to visit and review the proposed regulatory changes, and submit comments. If you are unsure about what to say, we list possible issues you can copy in the attached letter. The more voices that oppose this change, the better.

NOTE that questions or comments must be submitted before February 20, 2024.

2024 Al Dextrase Award Winner – Cole MacLeod, Carleton University

The recipient of the Al Dextrase Award for Best Student Poster Presentation at the 2024 AFS-OC Annual Meeting was Cole MacLeod from Carleton University. Cole (left) received his award from Ontario Chapter President Erik Tuononen (right). His poster was titled “River-Scale Evaluation of Light as a Behavioural Guidance Mechanism for Out-Migrating American Eel Anguilla rostrata“.

2024 E.J. Crossman Award Winner – Mitchell Shorgan, Trent University

The 2024 winner of the E.J. Crossman Award for Best Student Oral Presentation at the 2024 AFS-OC Annual Meeting was Mitchell Shorgan from Trent University. Mitchell (left) received his award from Ontario Chapter President Erik Tuononen (right). His presentation was titled “Validation of a new acoustic telemetry transmitter for the study of predation events in small fishes” and the abstract is available in the Annual Meeting Program.

2024 Outstanding Mentor Award Winner – Craig Paterson, St. Clair Region Conservation Authority

The 2024 recipient of the Ontario Chapter Student Subunit Outstanding Mentor Award was Craig Paterson, St. Clair Region Conservation Authority. The award was announced by Markelle Morphet AFS-OC SSU President at the 2024 AFS-OC Annual Meeting.

2024 Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary

The 2024 Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary is now available! Digital copies can be viewed online or as a PDF download.

Ontario’s fishing regulations are developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in collaboration and consultation with Indigenous communities, recreational anglers, the tourism industry, non-government agencies and the public. Regulations are implemented to help ensure the sustainability of our fisheries for the future.

As you start planning your fishing adventures for 2024, there are some changes to the fishing regulations you should know about.

Read more

Regulatory changes to the Endangered Species Act

Ontario protects species at risk and their habitats through the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA).

As part of efforts to improve the effectiveness and implementation of the species at risk program, amendments are proposed to several regulations made under the ESA.

Specifically, amendments are proposed in four key areas:

  1. Regulatory amendments regarding habitat protections for Redside Dace
  2. Regulatory amendments regarding select conservation fund species and related administrative changes
  3. Regulatory amendments to add newly listed species to existing conditional exemptions and other administrative changes to conditional exemptions
  4. Regulatory amendments regarding the conditional exemption for early exploration mining

Feedback and input from the public, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders on these proposed changes are invited. This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on February 20, 2024. See for more information.

Let’s Go for a Swim! Aquatic Species at Risk in Ontario, Prairies and Arctic

Let’s Go for a Swim! Print and colour some aquatic species at risk in Ontario, Prairies and Arctic, including Grass Pickerel, Spotted Gar, Lake Sturgeon, Redside Dace, Bigmouth Buffalo, and more.

Aquatic Species at Risk Ontario, Prairies, and Arctic
The Ontario and Prairie Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) includes Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario, while the Arctic Region includes the Yukon North Slope, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, and Hudson and James Bay. This boundary is inclusive of Inuit Nunangat. The purpose of Canada’s Species at Risk Act (SARA) is to conserve, protect and recover Endangered or Threatened species, and to encourage the management of species of Special Concern to prevent them from becoming further at risk. The Act aims to prevent indigenous species from becoming extirpated or extinct and preserve biodiversity within Canada.

Not all aquatic species at risk in Canada are shown in this book. For more information, including critical habitat and distribution data for all aquatic species listed under SARA, check out DFO’s National Aquatic Species at Risk Map.