Volume XXII, Issue I – The Lateral Line


2024 AFS-OC AGM & Conference Summary
Student Subunit Update
Diversity and Inclusion – Sarah Steele
Redside Dace ESA Letter
Fish Focus – Iowa Darter – Siobhan Ewert
Book Review – A Clouded Leopard in the Middle of the Road: New Thinking about Roads, People, and Wildlife. by Darryl Jones
Books by Ontario Biologists
2024 AFS-OC AGM Sponsors


Volume XXI, Issue II – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Erik Tuononen
2024 AFS-OC AGM & Conference
Student Subunit Update
Changes to Ontario Fish Names – Rob Eakins
Barrier Mitigation Workshop – Brian Morrison
Snorkelling for Fish – Sarah Steele
New Record of Spotted Gar – Nathan Lujan, Mary Burridge, Brenna Wells
Wil Wegman Tribute – Kate Gee, Eva Bobak
Book Review – Swamplands: Tundra Beavers, Quaking Bogs, and the Improbable World of Peat by Edward Struzik
Fish Focus – Brassy Minnow – Siobhan Ewert


Volume XXI, Issue I – The Lateral Line


2023 AFS-OC AGM Overview
Student Subunit Update
2022 NCD-AFS Best Chapter Communications Award
Fish Focus – Golden Redhorse – Siobhan Ewert
Pictures of Fishes – Kathryn Peiman
Book Review – Effective Conservation: Parks, Rewilding, and Local Development by Ignacio Jiménez
New Publication – Freshwater Fisheries in Canada


Volume XX, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Sarah Steele
2022 AFS-OC AGM Synopsis
Student Subunit Update – Jacob Burbank
Fish Focus – Blackside Darter – Siobhan Ewert
Diversity and Inclusion – Sarah Steele
Lake Ontario’s Lost Seal Population – Brian Morrison
Fish Species Complexity – Deep water spawning Lake Trout – Shawn Sitar
E.J. Crossman Award: Looking Back and Reconnecting with Awardees – Warren Dunlop
Bi-national Research – Ed Roseman
Book Review – A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There – Gavin Charles
Native Species Art – Craig Paterson
Biologist Highlight – Bill Gardner


Volume XIX, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Craig Paterson
AFS-OC AGMs – 2020 Synopsis, 2021 Synopsis and Posters
Student Subunit Update – Alice Abrams
Fish Focus – Golden Redhorse – Siobhan Ewert
Anishinabek News – The Secrets of the Mnjikaning Fish Weirs – Laurie LeClair
Fish Species Complexity – A Tale of Two Rivers – Brian Morrison
E.J. Crossman Award: Looking Back and Reconnecting with Awardees – Warren Dunlop
Book Review – Spineless: The Science of Jellyfish and the Art of Growing a Backbone – Heather Cray
Fish Photography – Craig Paterson, Kyle Swanson
FishCAST – Craig Paterson


Volume XVIII, Issue II – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Dan Moore
2020 AFS-OC AGM Notice and Call for Presenters
Student Subunit Update
E.J. Crossman Award: Looking Back and Reconnecting with Awardees – Warren Dunlop
Ontario’s’ only asexual clonal fish hybrid – Kathryn Peiman
Fish Focus – Green Sunfish, Silver Shiner
Tubenose Goby in Lake Ontario
Ranavirus in the Credit River watershed
Book Review – The Marsh Builders: The Fight for Clean Water, Wetlands, and Wildlife
Book Review – From Catastrophe to recovery: Stories of Fishery Management Success


Volume XVIII, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Jan Moryk
Student Subunit Update
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish – Will Jarvis
Ontario’s silver Lake Trout – Chris Wilson
Fish Focus – Brook Silverside
ROM Tour
Electrofishing and Breathable Waders – Patrick Cooney
Book Review – Immersion: The Science and Mystery of Freshwater Mussels
2019 AFS-OC AGM Sponsors


Volume XVII, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – William Glass
2018 AFS-OC AGM – February 22-24, Geneva Park, Orillia
Fish Focus – Sand Shiner
Student Subunit Update
Ontario’s Adfluvial Smallmouth Bass – Nick Jones and Brian Morrison
2017 AFS-OC AGM Sponsors
NWO-AFS Chapter Flashback


Volume XVI, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Jessica Wright
2017 AFS-OC AGM – March 2-4, Geneva Park, Orillia
Working With Indigenous Peoples Workshop – Gary Pritchard
Student Subunit Update – Vivian Nguyen
2017 AGM Keynote Speaker – Dr. John Casselman
Ontario’s Lost Kokanee Salmon – Brian Morrison
Why Should I Attend This Year’s AGM? – Jessica Wright


Volume XV, Issue II – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Lee Gutowsky
AFS-OC ExComm Nominees – Phil Bird, Bill Gardner
AFS-OC Student Subunit – New Executive
2016 AFS-OC AGM – Award Winners
Nottawasaga River Walleye: A Unique Spawning Population – Brian Morrison and Fred Dobbs
World Fish Migration Day 2016 – Vivian Nguyen
