Volume XII, Issue II – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Dean Fitzgerald
2012 AFS-OC AGM Summary – Brian Morrison
The View from Up Here – Bill Gardner
Student Subunit News – Lee Gutowsky


Concerns Expressed Over Potential Federal Fisheries Act Changes

Several groups including Canadian Aquatic Resources Section (CARS) of the American Fisheries Society have written the Fisheries Minister expressing concerns over potential Fisheries Act changes. Read more

Fishes of Toronto

Fishes of Toronto

Fishes of Toronto – A Guide to Their Remarkable World is part of the Biodiversity Series developed by the City of Toronto in honour of the Year of Biodiversity 2010. A number of the non-human residents of Toronto will be profiled in the Series. It is hoped that despite the severe biodiversity loss due to massive urbanization, pollution, invasive species, habitat loss and climate change, the Biodiversity Series will help to re-connect people with the natural world, and raise awareness of the seriousness that biodiversity loss represents and how it affects them directly. Read more


Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services Report

This 700-page report from the Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services spans 362 recommendations and urges some major changes to the way Ontario delivers public services. Chapter 13 deals with Environment and Natural Resources and outlines the Need for Transformation. Most responsibility for protecting the province’s environmental and natural heritage falls to two ministries: the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) and Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR).

Read more

Volume XII, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Dean Fitzgerald
Featured Institution – Fleming College – Paula Walton
Student Subunit News – Lee Gutowsky
2012 AFS-OC AGM Notice


Volume XI, Issue III – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Dean Fitzgerald
The View from Up Here – Bill Gardner
Featured Biologist – Ed Malindzak
Student Subunit News – Lee Gutowsky


Volume XI, Issue II – The Lateral Line


Editor’s Message – Bill Gardner
2011 AFS-OC AGM Summary
ThermoStat V2 – Nick Jones
Featured Institution – University of Windsor – Bill Glass
Student Subunit News – Caleb Hasler
News – “Big” Fish from Lake Simcoe area sets World Record – Wil Wegman


Volume XI, Issue I – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Silvia D’ Amelio
Contributed Article – Goulais Bay
CARS Student Colloquium at CCFFR – Caleb Hasler
The View from Up Here – Bill Gardner
Featured Biologist – Dr. Richard A. Ryder
Student Subunit News
2011 AFS-OC AGM Notice- Jon Clayton


Ontario Out of Doors

Wiper Caught in Lake Ontario

While fishing in Lake Ontario off the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station (PNGS) this past mid-January, Oakville angler Tim Rourke landed a large “Wiper”, a cross between a White Bass (Morone chrysops) and Striped Bass (M. saxatilis). Rourke boated a 6.8 kilogram specimen of one of the province’s least-known hybrid fish on that balmy -12°C day. The warm-water discharge from the PNGS attracts a variety of species, especially in cold weather. Trout and salmon are common, but anglers can also catch bass, walleye, pike, panfish and drum. Read more

Volume X, Issue II – The Lateral Line


President’s Message – Silvia D’ Amelio
2010 AFS-OC AGM recap – Jon Clayton
Featured Institution – Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
CARS Update – Caleb Hasler
Student Subunit News
News – OMNR Biologist Inducted into Muskies Canada Hall of Fame
Long Point Fish Study
