Fisheries 30(8)

Economic Growth as a Threat to Fish Conservation in Canada

AUTHOR: C. Alwyn Rose


Rose, C.A. 2005. Economic growth as a threat to fish conservation in Canada. Fisheries 30(8):36-38.

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Fisheries 30(7)

Invasive Aquatic Species in Ontario: A Review and Analysis of Potential Pathways for Introduction

AUTHOR(S): Steven J. Kerr , Christopher S. Brousseau, Mark Muschett


Kerr, S.J, C.S. Brousseau and M. Muschett. 2005. Invasive aquatic species in Ontario: A review and analysis of potential pathways for introduction. Fisheries 30(7):21-30.[21:IASIO]2.0.CO;2

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Interpreting the Von Bertalanffy Model of Somatic Growth in Fishes: The Cost of Reproduction

AUTHOR(S): Nigel P. Lester, Brian J. Shuter, Peter A. Abrams


Lester, N.P., B.J. Shuter and P.A. Abrams. 2004. Interpreting the von Bertalanffy model of somatic growth in fishes: the cost of reproduction. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2004) 271:1625–1631.

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Estimating the Age of Shorthead Redhorse (Moxostoma Macrolepidotum) Using Several Calcified Structures

AUTHOR(S): Taco den Haas and Nicholas E. Mandrak


den Haas*, T. and N.E. Mandrak. 2004. Estimating the age of Shorthead Redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) using several calcified structures.

Poster presented at the 2004 Southern Ontario Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, February 21-22, Leslie M. Frost Centre, Dorset, Ontario.

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Fish-Habitat Associations in the Middle Detroit River

AUTHOR(S): Nicolas W.R. Lapointe, Lynda D. Corkum and Nicholas E. Mandrak


Lapointe*, N.W.R., L.D. Corkum and N.E. Mandrak. 2004. Fish-habitat associations in the middle Detroit River.

Poster presented at the 2004 Southern Ontario Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, February 21-22, Leslie M. Frost Centre, Dorset, Ontario.

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Fisheries 28(12)

Worldwide Decline of Eel Resources Necessitates Immediate Action: Quebec Declaration of Concern

AUTHOR(S): John M. Casselman and David K. Cairns


Casselman, J.M. and D.K. Cairns. 2003. Worldwide decline of eel resources necessitates immediate action: Québec declaration of concern. Fisheries 28:(12) 28-30.

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Return of the Ouananiche to Trout Lake, Near North Bay, Ontario

AUTHOR(S): Jerry Fitchko, Robert J. Eakins, Al R. Glasgow


Fitchko*, J., R.J. Eakins and A.R. Glasgow. 1996. Return of the Ouananiche to Trout Lake, near North Bay, Ontario. Unpublished manuscript. 32 pp.

Presented at The 39th Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research, May 26-30, 1996, Erindale College, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario.

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Fisheries 16(2)

What’s in a Name? Should the American Fisheries Society Change It’s Name?

AUTHOR(S): Les Stanfield, Bob White, Nick C. Parker


Stanfield, L., B. White and N.C. Parker. 1991. What’s in a name? Should the American Fisheries Society change its name? Fisheries 16(2):2-59.

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Fisheries 15(4)

Why We Need a Canadian AFS Office

AUTHOR: W. Jack Christie


Christie, W.J. 1990. Why we need a Canadian AFS office. Fisheries 15(4):25-29.

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Fisheries 15(4)

Canadian Members of the AFS: Do We Really Belong?

AUTHOR(S): Donald D. MacDonald and Terry R. Marshall


MacDonald, D.D. and T.R. Marshall. 1990. Canadian members of the AFS: do we really belong? Fisheries 15(4):24-28.

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