PhD Student Opportunity

The FishPeoplePlace lab is seeking to recruit a highly qualified and collegial PhD student interested in working on a multi and transdisciplinary project that will examine the human dimensions of aquatic ‘invasive’ finfish species – particularly Smallmouth Bass and Chain Pickerel – in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia. This project will look at several aspects related to the management of these species, including conflict between Smallmouth Bass anglers and native species anglers (i.e., Atlantic Salmon), prevention of their spread into eastern Nova Scotia, the future of these species in the context of climate-driven environmental impacts, and applying a critical lens to terms of ‘wild’, ‘naturalized’, ‘invasive’, and notions of anthropogenic impacts and relationships with fish and their management in social-ecological systems. The successful student will join the Marine Affairs Program community in the Faculty of Science at Dalhousie University and undertake a PhD through Dalhousie’s IDPhD Program. They will work in partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, the Inland Fisheries Advisory Committee, and other community or government organizations

See the Posting for further details and to apply.

Employment Opportunity – Biologist Intern

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has an opportunity for a Biologist Intern based in Peterborough.

See the Job Posting for further details and to apply.

AFS-OC Membership Update

As of July 3, 2024, the Ontario Chapter has 146 paid members! The membership includes 64 regular, 42 student, 27 young professional, 12 retired and 1 life members. Have you renewed your membership for 2024? Are you a member yet? If not, see the Become a Member page to find out why you should join. AFS individual members receive free online access to all five American Fisheries Society journals. Join or renew TODAY and don’t forget to contact the AFS Membership Team at to add the Ontario Chapter to your membership!

Call for Nominations – 2024-25 AFS-OC Executive Committee

AFS-OC Members:

We are accepting nominations for the following positions on the Executive Committee for the Ontario Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.

President-Elect: This is the first year of a three-year term starting as president-elect then moving into the role of president and finally past-president. In this role the individual will assist in general operations of the Chapter, including organization of various social events and the Annual General Meeting. The position is primarily a shadowing of the President’s role, with general commitment of 1 hour monthly meetings from Sept 2024 – June 2025, and additional support during main events.

Vice President: This is an ongoing role, and the position includes a commitment to attend 1 hour monthly meetings from Sept-June each year, and advise the Executive Committee of the Bylaws as they relate to Chapter activities.

Read more

Volume XXII, Issue I – The Lateral Line


2024 AFS-OC AGM & Conference Summary
Student Subunit Update
Diversity and Inclusion – Sarah Steele
Redside Dace ESA Letter
Fish Focus – Iowa Darter – Siobhan Ewert
Book Review – A Clouded Leopard in the Middle of the Road: New Thinking about Roads, People, and Wildlife. by Darryl Jones
Books by Ontario Biologists
2024 AFS-OC AGM Sponsors


American Fisheries Society

New Link – AFS Career Centre

A link to American Fisheries Society Career Center has been added to the Links page under the Job Postings category.

The Career Centre “Connecting Fisheries Professionals with Great Opportunities” features Job Postings, Advice and Resources for those interested in a career in fisheries.

AFS-OC Expresses Concern Regarding Proposed Changes to ESA Redside Dace Habitat

The AFS-OC would like to express its concern with the December 20, 2023 proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) which will impact Redside Dace in Ontario. As a result we have drafted a letter expressing our concerns, questions and potential solutions to alert our membership. In short, we ask concerned members to visit and review the proposed regulatory changes, and submit comments. If you are unsure about what to say, we list possible issues you can copy in the attached letter. The more voices that oppose this change, the better.

NOTE that questions or comments must be submitted before February 20, 2024.

2024 Al Dextrase Award Winner – Cole MacLeod, Carleton University

The recipient of the Al Dextrase Award for Best Student Poster Presentation at the 2024 AFS-OC Annual Meeting was Cole MacLeod from Carleton University. Cole (left) received his award from Ontario Chapter President Erik Tuononen (right). His poster was titled “River-Scale Evaluation of Light as a Behavioural Guidance Mechanism for Out-Migrating American Eel Anguilla rostrata“.

2024 E.J. Crossman Award Winner – Mitchell Shorgan, Trent University

The 2024 winner of the E.J. Crossman Award for Best Student Oral Presentation at the 2024 AFS-OC Annual Meeting was Mitchell Shorgan from Trent University. Mitchell (left) received his award from Ontario Chapter President Erik Tuononen (right). His presentation was titled “Validation of a new acoustic telemetry transmitter for the study of predation events in small fishes” and the abstract is available in the Annual Meeting Program.

2024 Outstanding Mentor Award Winner – Craig Paterson, St. Clair Region Conservation Authority

The 2024 recipient of the Ontario Chapter Student Subunit Outstanding Mentor Award was Craig Paterson, St. Clair Region Conservation Authority. The award was announced by Markelle Morphet AFS-OC SSU President at the 2024 AFS-OC Annual Meeting.