Entries by Robert

Invasive Fish Species: A Quick Reference Guide

The Invasive Fish Species: A Quick Reference Guide was compiled and written by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Invading Species Awareness Program.  Support for the development of this guide was provided by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. This publication is available for download in PDF format.

Freshwater Fishes of North America: Volume 2: Characidae to Poeciliidae

Edited by Melvin L. Warren Jr. and Brooks M. Burr with Anthony A. Echelle, Bernard R. Kuhajda, and Stephen T. Ross. Illustrated by Joseph R. Tomellerii. 2020 Published by: Johns Hopkins University Press The highly anticipated second volume of Freshwater Fishes of North America, a monumental, fully illustrated reference that provides comprehensive details on the […]

Ontario’s Sustainable Bait Management Strategy

Province releases sustainable bait management strategy A decision was made on June 17, 2020 to proceed with Ontario’s Sustainable Bait Management Strategy. Following a 45-day comment period, as well as feedback received from previous engagement throughout the Bait Policy Review process, revisions were made to the draft strategy to create a revised Sustainable Bait Management Strategy. […]

A Brief History of Fisheries in Canada

AUTHOR(S): Rowshyra A. Castañeda, Colleen M. M. Burliuk, John M. Casselman, Steven J. Cooke, Karen M. Dunmall, L. Scott Forbes, Caleb T. Hasler, Kimberly L. Howland, Jeffrey A. Hutchings, Geoff M. Klein, Vivian M. Nguyen, Michael H. H. Price, Andrea J. Reid, James D. Reist, John D. Reynolds, Alexander Van Nynatten and Nicholas E. Mandrak […]

NRTG Natural Resource Training

Natural Resources Training Group (NRTG) is a privately-registered training agency specializing in developing and delivering quality ‘hands-on’ and in-demand natural resource-related training programs. View offered Courses and Course Schedule.

Consultation: Ontario Conservation Authorities

Consultation: Ontario Conservation Authorities The Province is reviewing the Conservation Authorities Act to define the core mandate of conservation authorities and their programs and services. Feedback is requested to help improve the overall governance, oversight and accountability of conservation authorities to protect and preserve Ontario’s natural spaces. See https://www.ontario.ca/page/consultation-ontario-conservation-authorities for more information.

North American minnows are no longer Cyprinids

Most minnows native to North America are now considered family Leuciscidae (minnows). Family Cyprinidae (carps) includes Common Carp and Goldfish. Grass Carp, Silver Carp, Bighead Carp and Black Carp are family Xenocyprinidae (East Asian minnows). Recent phylogenetic analyses have resulted in several sub-families being recognized as full families. See Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes (https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-017-0958-3), Phylogenetic […]

Reflections on the Legends of Canadian Fisheries Science and Management

AUTHOR(S): Caleb T. Hasler, Graham D. Raby, Emmanuelle Chrétien, Margot Stockwell, Steven J. Cooke, Erin Rechisky, David W. Welch, Natalie M. Sopinka and Nicholas E. Mandrak CITATION: Hasler C.T., G.D. Raby, E. Chrétien, M. Stockwell, S.J. Cooke, E. Rechisky, D.W. Welch, N.M. Sopinka and N.E. Mandrak. 2019. Reflections on the Legends of Canadian Fisheries Science […]