Theme: Fish, Fur, and Feathers: Science Across Ontario’s Ecosystems
March 21-23, 2025, University of Guelph, Ontario
Join us for our 2025 Annual General Meeting and Conference at the University of Guelph. Co-hosted with Ontario Chapter of The Wildlife Society.
Keynote Speakers
Keynote speakers are Dr. Sarah Alderman (University of Guelph) and Dr. Graham Raby (Trent University). Dr. Alderman’s work is focused on comparative physiology using fish and aquatic organisms as models in response to environmental stressors. Dr. Raby’s work is centred on understanding how variation in behaviour, physiology, and life history strategies influence individuals and populations using fish as a model.
Call for Abstracts
Those planning to present papers or posters at the 2025 Joint Ontario Chapter of AFS / Ontario Chapter of WS Annual Meeting must submit abstracts by February 28, 2025. There are limited slots available for oral and poster presentations. Papers are solicited for all aquatic resource topics, and on completed studies, preliminary results, or case studies. Abstracts should be submitted using Google Forms. Please contact Ben Hlina ( if you encounter any issues or would like further information.
Student Awards
Student oral presenters are eligible for the E.J. Crossman Award and student poster presentations are eligible for the Al Dextrase Award. The Outstanding Mentor Award will also be announced by the Student Subunit at the meeting.
Travel Bursaries
The AFS-OC Executive Committee and AFS-OC Student Subunit are offering two bursaries for travel and conference-related activities for this year’s meeting. The bursaries are:
The details are as follows:
- Up to $250 for three (3) Student or Young Professional AFS Ontario Chapter members
- Up to $350 for one (1) Regular AFS Ontario Chapter member
To apply, please submit via email a brief bio and explanation of how these additional funds could help pay your way to University of Guelph (up to 3-4 paragraphs). All applications will be reviewed by the voting members of the AFS-OC Executive Committee/Student Subunit Executive and awarded based on need.
Please submit your application by email to Erik Tuononen ( by February 28th, 2025.
We have reserved rooms at the Delta Hotel. Please use this link to book a room. Rooms must be booked by February 18th, 2025.
Registration is available through the Online Store. Please also complete the Registration Form. AFS-OC members and students are eligible for discounted rates.
See Annual Meetings for synopses of past meetings.