Theme: Challenges for a Changing Fishery in a Changing World
March 4-6, Geneva Park, Orillia, Ontario
For 2010, the Ontario Chapter Annual General Meeting & Conference returned to YMCA Geneva Park in Orillia. The theme was Challenges for a “Changing Fishery in a Changing World”. There were 69 attendees, comprised of students, agency staff from Conservation Authorities, Ministry of Natural Resources, Fisheries and Oceans, and the private sector. Many were newcomers to the AGM while others were meeting veterans. We were also joined by Mark Porath, the North Central Division President from Nebraska.
After brief introductions on Friday morning, Mark provided a short overview of what the North Central Division does and some of the issues they are wrestling with in the United States. All of the presentations over the rest of the day were excellent. In the afternoon, we were treated to a documentary entitled RiverWebs, a movie about a Japanese ecologist, Dr. Shigeru Nakano. It chronicled his life, research and tragic death at the height of his career. A number of people also took the opportunity to ice fish and congratulations must go out to Warren Dunlop on his jumbo perch.
At the business meeting, we were able to fill two vacant Executive Committee positions. Dean Fitzgerald stepped up and was acclaimed as the President-Elect for 2010-2011. After much cajoling, Silvia D’Amelio was nominated and acclaimed as the next President. The social on Friday night was once again another highlight. Generous support from our sponsors helped make the raffle a success and over $700 was raised for the Student Subunit.
At the end of the meeting on Saturday, awards were given to the best student oral and poster presentations. Sean Landsman from Carleton University was the winner of the E.J. Crossman Award for best oral presentation. His presentation was titled “The Effects of Catch-and-Release Angling for Muskellunge”. The Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation Award winner for best poster presentation was Laura Chomyshyn from Carleton University. Her poster was titled “Evaluating the Need to Minimize Water Entry and Surgical Aseptic Techniques During Telemetry Implantation Surgeries”. Abstracts for the oral presentations can be found within the Annual Meeting Program.
We would like to thank our sponsors for helping to keep the costs down and providing raffle prizes. In addition, we would like to extend our gratitude to all the presenters for putting together such informative talks and posters. The event wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of the Executive Committee for doing the organizing and all the behind the scenes work to make everything run smoothly. Finally we would like to thank Geneva Park staff for making our stay enjoyable.
We would also like to thank our sponsors who provided financial support and/or prizes. They include:
Anglers Pro Shop, Backroad Mapbooks, Brookfield Renewable Power Inc., EcoMetrix Incorporated, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Lotek Wireless Inc, Natural Resource Solutions Inc, Ontario B.A.S.S. Nation, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Royal Ontario Museum, Silvia D’Amelio, Trout Unlimited Canada and VEMCO.
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