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We welcome any and all suggestions, links, news releases, events, announcements, job postings, photographs or other contributions to the website and/or newsletter. Please forward to the Webmaster, Social Media Chair, Newsletter Editor or any member of the Executive Committee and we will ensure they are posted and/or distributed in a timely fashion.

What’s New highlights the newest postings and our News page provides the latest news items relevant to Ontario’s fisheries. Look to News & Events for upcoming community events, workshops, courses, meetings and conferences. Chapter members are encouraged to submit papers, presentations, posters or research for our Member Publications page and to check out the Members Area for newsletters, employment, training and educational opportunities. The Links page includes the Ontario Fishes Archives offering access to relevant historical fisheries publications, as well as useful links for fisheries/natural resources, government, on-line books/journals, organizations/associations, software/apps, AFS and AFS social networks.

Ontario Chapter merchandise and Event Registration are available through the Online Store.

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PhD Student Opportunity

The FishPeoplePlace lab is seeking to recruit a highly qualified and collegial PhD student interested in working on a multi and transdisciplinary project that will examine the human dimensions of aquatic ‘invasive’ finfish species – particularly Smallmouth Bass and Chain Pickerel – in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia. This project will look at several aspects related to the […]

Employment Opportunity – Biologist Intern

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has an opportunity for a Biologist Intern based in Peterborough. See the Job Posting for further details and to apply.

AFS-OC Membership Update

As of July 3, 2024, the Ontario Chapter has 146 paid members! The membership includes 64 regular, 42 student, 27 young professional, 12 retired and 1 life members. Have you renewed your membership for 2024? Are you a member yet? If not, see the Become a Member page to find out why you should join. […]